Agreements signing in Ile-de-France (F)
This September 25 2014, many people gather under a high-tension line in the National Nature Reserve « La Bassée » in Ile de France.

In close cooperation with local partners, the LIFE Elia-RTE project strives on this site to restore a forest corridor densely occupied by ashes, willows and black locusts and to create an open habitat managed by grazing and by mowing.

An agreement was signed today with a breeder who is committed to manage the site by grazing with six Highland cows.
RTE signed an agreement with the managers of the National Nature Reserve, represented by its President, its employee in charge of practical conservation who will now monitor the grazing.

RTE is pushing forward its vegetation management policy respecting biodiversity by involving owners and managers in a long-term contract to ensure the preservation of rare heritage species (Dianthus superbus) and of butterflies and insects associated with this type of open habitats of great ecological interest.

Highlands cattle will be, in the coming years, ensuring a smooth management by grazing instead of the conventional mulching management.

Former mulching enriched the soil by bringing in more and more organic matter.
Highland cows will manage vegetation naturally by making these grasslands recover their former vegetation, richer in terms of biodiversity.

A successful partnership between an ecological network, a biodiversity network and a network of local actors, under the auspices of the LIFE Elia-RTE.