Event of the Nature Parks Federation in Belgium
Each year, 9 Nature Parks of Wallonia organize a major event to present the actions undertaken in the Park. This year, the Nature Park "Haute Sûre Forêt d'Anlier" (PNHSFA) has chosen the following theme : green, blue and brown networks (see program attached). This concept, widely used in France as Trame Verte et Bleue, highlights the importance of connectivity in nature conservation.
Natural sites, wetlands and actions
The first field visit was dedicated to an achievement done by the PNHSFA with a local farmer: digging a pond and fencing along its banks. This pond benefits to birds but also dragonflies, amphibians and wild plants related to wetlands.

Then we visited a nature reserve recently extended and managed by anoter LIFE project named Herbages in southern Belgium. Some beautiful plant species were observed such as nice species of orchids.

The third visit was guide by the Nature Departement of the PNHSFA in a wetland near the house of the Park. The management is carried out by pasturage with Highland cows.

LIFE Elia-RTE : an example of connectivity
Two members of the LIFE team then had the opportunity to present the LIFE project to around 50 participants. The aim was to show the actions of the LIFE project and its role connectivity for plant and animal species. Mission accomplished on site in Attert.

We already talked about this site in a previous news. The opportunity also to seek for a motivated student of the Gembloux University for a possible thesis on the topics developed by the LIFE project.