External partners' day in Lille with RTE
For its relations in the Region (Voyage au cœur du réseau de demain), RTE organised an information day for its staff and external partners in Lille on October 16th 2017.
This day was part of a tour of France of ten major cities at the heart of which RTE intended to explain its business, the challenges of the future and the means implemented by the company to meet them.

The day saw 7 groups of 90 people, internal and external to the company.
Elected officials, Government departments, NGOs, subcontracting companies, etc. were thus able to discover RTE's many professions and their necessary adaptation to the challenges of the 21st century.
The LIFE Elia-RTE project was represented in one of these stands to answer the participants' questions on this project to restore natural habitats, their possible integration into the logic of the Trame Verte et Bleue (Green Infrastructure), and eventually the changes it implies for RTE.
The day also made it possible to expose the future developments that this LIFE will trigger in the ADEME project submitted by the PNR des Ardennes and which will see the development of biodiversity restoration projects on 100 ha of electric power lines in forest rights-of-way.
The day allowed all participants, internal and external to the company, to grasp the extent to which for RTE, the intelligent network of tomorrow includes the notion of biodiversity within the notions of technological excellence and services to customers.