First uprooting in Chievre's nursery
Seedlings in 2012, uprooting in 2014
On January 14th 2014, after almost 2 years, the LIFE ELIA team was able to evaluate the amount of young plants produced within the LIFE nursery set up in Hainaut (western province of Walloon region, Belgium, see here). Seedlings made in 2012 were monitored on a regulary basis. End of May 2012, 3526 plantules of apple tree (Malus sylverstris) and 396 of pear trees (Pyrus pyraster) were counted. Meteorological conditions during the spring 2012 were particulary harsh : a very wet season delaying preparation works and after the semis, a long and dry season that threatened the breaking of dormancy.

Photo 1.- Apple tree seedling sprouting
Beginning of this year 2014, the team has achieved several actions on the nursery : uprooting of the young plants, habillage (elimination of dead branches, shortening of long branches, shortening of the roots chevelu, in order to prepare the young plant for plantation), then place them in a plantbed.
These young plants S2 (2 years after seed germination) show heights between 10 cm and 2 m for the highest. Plant preparation were really important since the team aims for the best results for regrowth after plantation under the overhead lines.

Pictures 2 and 3.- Dressed plant et preparation of the plantbed.
Young plant preparation
A nice preparation job has been done : 430 pear trees and 340 apple trees are now waiting to be planted. They were two groups of two uprooters, followed by a person who « dressed » the plant. By the end of the day, the will produce sheafs that will be planted as soon as conditions are suitable.
Two more days will be necessary to complete the work (seedlings of 2012), and therefore produce around 4.000 wild apple tree plants. Those plants will be used for :
* conservatory orchards in electrical network easements.
* enriching forest edges with origin approved trees.
For biodiversity benefits
Insects, birds and mammal will benefit on short and long terms from wild fruit trees plantation on various aspects : flowering, fruits and hosting environnement. This video shows how orchards can be useful for game : It shows a deer herd feeding on wild apples that have been dropped on the ground by daily winds. Those apple trees were planted approximatively twenty years ago and reached a maximum height of 7 meters. This height is reaching both major objectives : electrical safety and biodiversity enhancing.