Information day for private owners with the RFSB
This September 5 2014, the LIFE ELIA team gave an information day on "Electrical Corridors in forest and biodiversity" to the members of the Royal Forestry Society of Belgium.
The Forest Royal Society of Belgium (RSFB) is a non-profit organization created 100 years ago. The organization gathers around 2,600 members. Its mission is to accompany private forest owners through the promotion of quality forestry and trainings for its members on practical applications linked with forestry science.

LIFE Elia and private owners
On the 160 km of forest corridors covered by the LIFE Elia project, around 50 % belong to private owners. These contacts are therefore crucial for the success of our project. These private owners may have very different profiles depending on the size of their property, their commitment in the management, their hunting habits or their sensitivity to projects related to nature conservation.

Information on LIFE Elia
To raise awareness of private owners, nothing like a day co-organized with SRFB. We were fortunate to have the testimony of a private owner with whom we have worked in the project. The topics discussed were : LIFE Elia principles, links between LIFE and forest certification, opportunities for some actions of hunting, impact on landscape and production of firewood.