InterLIFE in Luxembourg
December 9, 2014, part of the LIFE Elia team went to the Interlife in Hosingen (Luxembourg), organized by the LIFE Éislek and the LIFE Unio . These meetings bring together several ongoing LIFE projects to allow an exchange of information and best practices, and to create a network of useful resources for LIFE teams.

LIFE presentation: an open-source and flexible mapping tool
Each LIFE project had the opportunity to present a technical aspect of the project. Elia LIFE team was asked to present one of its tool : the management of mapping data.

First step of our fieldwork, collecting geographical data under overhead lines help to establish in further steps the priorities in terms of restoration and work to be undertaken. Once field data are collected, they are integrated in our Geographic Information System (GIS). We manage our data with two programs:
* Quantum-Gis: a free and open-source GIS
* R : a program designed for statistical analysis
The database created allows us to easily obtain information related to staff lines, provide a basis for discussion with our stakeholders and generate progress reports quickly. The recorded data are : cadastral parcel numbers, owners, conventions, restoration objectives, specifications, date of works, photos...

This complex work is described in the brochure "Vegetation Mapping".

Field trip
The afternoon of the seminar first day was dedicated to a visit of a site of the LIFE Éislek. Woodcuttings and wetland works were carried out.

We then visited a cooperative of nature management using social workers, employing twenty people in precarious situation.
Exchanges and discussions
The second day was dedicated to discussions and exchanges about communication on Natura 2000 sites on one hand, and the conservation of natural habitats on the other. A very interesting sharing moment fed by insights of international experts present.