LIFE ELIA in Haute Durance : Company meeting
RTE (French Transport System Operator) has organised on December 13th 2013 a company meeting related to the renovation of the electrical grid project in High Durance (Hautes-Alpes et Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Departement, France).
Towards network renovation in Haute-Durance
The objective of the company meeting was to get together public work companies at the head office and to explore with them :
- job opportunities brought by the RTE project in Haute-Durance (river)
- their ability to comply with technical requirements made by RTE
- their ability to work as subcontractor for highly specialised national companies
More than 100 people related to the entrepreneurial and industrial sector attended the event.

Companies with various skills
Besides classic bussinesses related to high voltage lines creation, other companies are operating in the ecological engineering sector. These companies are likely to carry out ecological restoration on site works for our LIFE ELIA project in Haute-Durance. Their attendance show how biodiversity can be taken into account already at early steps of a large-scale territorial project.
It was a great opportunity for our team members to meet local stakeholders with a high-alpine ecosystems management background.
Social and rehabilitation entreprises were also represented during this company meeting.