LIFE ELIA in Paris on linear infrastructures
On April 15th 2014, two members of the LIFE ELIA team traveled to Paris to present the LIFE ELIA project during a conference day named ITTECOP and organised by the French Ministry of Environment. The topic of the day was : how to combine linear infrastructures and biodiversity ?
On April 15th 2014, two members of the LIFE ELIA team traveled to Paris to present the LIFE ELIA project during a conference day named ITTECOP and organised by the French Ministry of Environment. The topic of the day was : how to combine linear infrastructures and biodiversity ?
RTE, our French partner and co financer
We first had a meeting with our partner RTE (French Transmission System Operator) in the offices of La Défense to review the 7 french sites on which we are working on. After that, we went to the ITTECOP conference held as a side event of a broader summit on transport infrastructure.

Research programs centered on « linear » specificities
We attended the prensentation of 4 ongoing research programs financed by ITTECOP. They all have in commun the fact that they tackle the impact of linear infrastructure on biodiversity. New projects of railways highways are put under the spotlight in order to measure their impact on biodiversity. The issue of social support in the framework of ecological corridors was also mentionned.
LIFE ELIA, let’s go under the high-tension lines
We presented the LIFE ELIA project to an audience of linear researchers and decision makers. The innovative aspects of the project was underlined, and the operational mode was also appreciated. Indeed, several actions will soon produce its effects on biodiversity. Suggestions were made to stimulate the integratation of scientific researches to our work to study furthermore the improvement of species spreading. This would reinforce what we have already set up as monitoring indicators (bats, birds, butterflies, dragonflies) and strengthen the illustration of ecological corridor.

The Linear Infrastructure and Biodiversity Club (CILB)
We discovered the Linear Infrastructure and Biodiversity Club during the last presentation, a group of 7 large French linear infrastructure managers (railways, highways, electricity, gaz and fluvial). These actors joined themselves to reaffirm their commitment to preserve biodiversity.

The program of the day is available in attached document.