LIFE and Science Festival
Within the framework of the Science Festival, RTE has organized a day of conferences (on 12th of October 2012), at the Conference Centre « Cœur Défense » in Paris.
Within the framework of the Science Festival, RTE has organized a day of conferences (on 12th of October 2012), at the Conference Centre « Cœur Défense » in Paris.
The meeting was organized around three main themes:
- anticipate the future consumption of energy and its transport
- adjust the electricity transmission network to these issues
- put in phase the electricity transmission according to the environmental and society challenges.
This third theme was the opportunity to present the LIFE project ELIA / RTE to a wide-ranging audience: RTE staff, associations, students, academics, representatives of the European Commission ...
As part of this event, RTE had also opened for several days its showroom in its new offices « Cœur Défense » to an exhibition about the LIFE ELIA/RTE project.

It has been an opportunity for a wide-ranging audience (schools and others) to discover thematic posters made by the LIFE team, but also to watch to large interactive screens permanently displayed in this showroom, and illustrating the various works of RTE.

Within these interactive modules, an important place is given to the management of biodiversity under the high-voltage lines in which RTE has invested during the recent years. The LIFE ELIA / RTE project plays a central role for this goal.