LIFE presentation at RTE in Paris (F)
Valuing lunch break by learning about the LIFE Elia-RTE. The team travelled to Paris for an event organized in collaboration with Communication and Consultation Departments of from RTE.

Presentation in four parts
In total, 50 employees of RTE attended the conference.
The first part was dedicated to the company's biodiversity policy.
The second was devoted to LIFE Elia-RTE's projects in France. The opportunity to emphasize on the great dynamics of RTE, both locally and nationally in the headquarters in Paris. For the LIFE project, it's a real advantage to work on the French, because it includes several biogeographic zones : Continental, Oceanic, Atlantic, Mediterranean and Alpine. One particularity of France is also that RTE is often working with partnerships of three signing partners : owner-manager-RTE.

The cost-benefit analysis of the LIFE project was presented in the third part. An analysis that relate to forests of northern France in particular, but that can be adapted according to local vegetation. It was emphasized that it would be interesting to work on estimated benefits provided by restored ecosystems and by increasing social acceptability.

The last part was dedicated to the presentation of the European development of the project, including the position of ENTSO-E towards the project.