Meeting with REN (Portuguese TSO)
An european networking objective
One of the objectives of the LIFE ELIA project is to meet different electrical transport operators in the 28 Member States. These meetings are opportunities to share with them the challenges of our project and to compare their local context with ours, focusing on other biogeographic areas.
In this context, we met for the second time in October 2013 in Lisbon, the Portuguese company REN (RedesEnergeticasNacionais), transport system operator for Portugal.

A meeting for a good know-how exchange
The aim of this meeting was to compare REN strategy in terms of biodiversity and the methodology developed by the LIFE project. This work contributes to the ongoing implementation of the next steps in collaborating for the two partners.
The LIFE ELIA project is an interesting opportunity for REN to set up a new approach for enhancing biodiversity. Moreover, REN has a very ambitious project of plantation of small-sized trees under the high-tension lines : 864.000 trees between 2010 and 2017. Such a large scope project is very interesting for the LIFE team also carry out a 210 ha of edges plantation in Belgium.
A future cooperation
Besides, REN offers its contribution to the LIFE for writing a handbook of good practice in management of electrical corridors in dry environments (Mediterranean environment). These environments require different approaches like fire protection management or invasive control of invasive (Acacia).
Inputs for REN changing tools
REN is also implementing the update of its management tools and cartographic methodologies. Therefore, they show a strong interest in the tools developed in this field by the LIFE ELIA team. The dynamic information system created by the LIFE ELIA team allow not only a classic "risk vegetation" mapping along lines but also offers many connection possibilities between existing database and integrated data such as register of owners and managers, habitats mapping, restoration projects and management. All these cartographic data, based on the experience of the first two years of the LIFE ELIA project is summarized in the first technical brochure, online and downloadable in PDF format on our website at
Towards a partnership agreement
The LIFE ELIA team and REN decided to agree on a partnership agreement binding them to the end of the LIFE project (end 2016) and communicate about it in Lisbon in early 2014 in the presence of the press.
REN will also organize meetings with NGOs and authorities in charge of nature matters in Portugal to identify priority areas in which similar actions could take place through this partnership.
REN will also provide the LIFE ELIA team with a map containing the HV network, the Portuguese Natura 2000 network and allowances public property that can guide to potential action areas where actions could be undertaken within the framework of this partnership.
An already very active TSO
On-site achievements by REN can be seen on :
- Tree planting in rows, with the participation of children of local communities:
- Tree planting and changes in ecological structure in the wide 5 lines high tension lines :