Meeting with the Natural Parks of Wallonia
This August 27 2014, LIFE Elia team organized a meeting for the Federation of Natural Parks of Wallonia. Both inside and on the field, the LIFE Elia was able to present their actions, leading to general brainstorming on how we could develop interactions between natural parks and the LIFE project.
The Federation of Natural Parks
The Natural Parks Federation has 10 natural parks in Wallonia whose principal role is to ensure the protection, management and enhancement of the natural heritage and landscape.

LIFE Elia and Natural Parks
The LIFE Elia is covering more than 213 km of power lines in the Walloon Region. One of its features is the diversity of stakeholders involved, and that is easy understood when one see that the project extends almost the entire territory of Wallonia.
Natural Parks (PN) concerned by the LIFE project are:
* the PN des deux Ourthes on 13.71 km of power lines
* the PN Haute-Sûre Forêt d'Anlier on 10.71 km
* the PN Hautes Fagnes-Eifel 3.01 km
* the PN Vallée de l'Attert on 2.92 km

Collaboration between Parks and the LIFE
The time together made it possible to establish partnership options on the following points:
# possibility for the PN to relay opportunities to find farmers/beekeepers for a management under the lines
# possible joint actions (hedges and edges plantation, orchards ...)
# support for field communications actions (location information panels ...)
# support for biological monitoring

A partnership we would be happy to see growing !