Nature festival in Armorique
The LIFE ELIA team will be involved in Festival of Nature festival in the in France. Each French site can present its action, its features and show the treathen species but also the work of specialists and project partners. From May 21st to 25th, everywhere in France, the topic « herbes folles, jeunes pousses et vieilles branches » will be put under the spotlight. Full program available on
Where will we be present ?
Several sites of the LIFE ELIA are located in the Regional Nature Park of Armorique, between the Hunters Departement Federation of the Finistère in ty blaise (Brasparts) and the agriculture and forestry school of the Nivot (Loperec) : restauration of peats, moors, edges, pond digging and pasture infrastructure for sheep were set up.
Another location will be concern by our visit in France : the site of Vuillecin, Department of Doubs. Actions on this site consisted in the installation of fences in order to pasture on 3,5 ha.

Who are our parnters in Armorique?
RTE, the French TSO (, is our main partner in the LIFE project in France. In the Armorique site, there are several other partners :
The Regional Nature Park of Armorique (
Created in 1969, le RNP of Armorique is an association gathering elected people of Britanny Region, General council, 44 municipalities and 8 groups of municipalities and 4 door cities. It encompasses 125.000 ha of land.
Hunter Departement Federation of the Finistère (
The FDC29 gathers 11.000 hunters in Finistère. It coordinates, advises and train for a sustainable management of wild fauna, its habitat and helps to perserve biodiversity. The training center is just next to the Mont Saint Michel de Brasparts, and encompassed 230 ha of moors and meadows crossed by a walking path.
Agriculture and forestry school of the Nivot (
At the heart of Finistère, in the municipality of Loperec, the school Nivot has 90 years experience in teaching professionals in agriculture and forestry sectors. With over 400 acres (250 acres of forests), the school has a wide program that includes different techniques of sustainable forest management.

When and which activities ?
On Friday May 23rd, activities will take place on 2 different sites. Designed for 200 children from surrounding schools, they will include pedagogic games on forest edges, animal footprints, forest species recognition, beekeeping and uses of forestry tools
On Saturday May 24th, activities will be held in ty Blaise, with a reinforced team to welcome families and groups that are interested in butterfly determination, flora determination, beekeeping, and orchard management.
If you want to learn how to recognize wild apple and pear trees or discover unknown things about nature, feel free to join us !
More information on our partner sites or on the attached document.
More sites concerning Britany: