Presentation of the cost-benefit analysis in ENTSO-E
We already presented the project LIFE Elia-RTE twice in ENTSO-E : to the working group Asset and Implementation Management (AIM) and Network of Communication Experts (NCE). ENTSO-E is the European body for Electricity Transmission System Operators (TSO). This March 4th 2015, we presented the results of our cost-benefit analysis to the AIM working group.
Alternative methods of LIFE Elia cheaper than the traditional method
In collaboration with Elia, LIFE Elia-RTE team conducted a comprehensive analysis of costs related firstly to the traditional method of vegetation management done by Elia and the other alternative methods used up in the LIFE Elia-RTE.

Taking into account a weighted average cost of capital of 5%, methods of LIFE are 1.4 to 3.9 times cheaper over 30 years, and the return on investment is 3 to 12 years depending on the action.

This information is of upmost importance for TSOs since, in an international context of cost reduction imposed by national regulators across Europe, LIFE Elia-RTE methods would not only enhance biodiversity, increase social acceptance...but also reduce management costs.
The full analysis is available on our website !