Roundtable organized by Nabu and BestGrid in Hannover
After a conclusive meeting held in July 2014 in Belgium, we were invited by TenneT (TSO in Germany and Holland) to present our projet during a roundtable on "Planning new lines : conflicts and opportunities for nature" on October 24th 2014. This workshop was organized in Hannover by Nabu and the BestGrid.

Partnership with TenneT
This opportunity to present the LIFE Elia project abroad fits exactly in the partnership we are developing with TenneT or with other interested Transport System Operators (TSO). For us, it is a chance to push forward our ideas, to share our experiences and to gather know-how from other actors of electricity transmission (TSO, Non Governmental Organization, Ministries, private companies, landowners...).

Presentations and discussions
Different speakers from universities, ministries and NGO presented their experiences on opportunities for nature in the context of the creation of new lines. The challenge is huge for TenneT, since the company is planning the construction of a 800 km high-tension line to bring back electricity from wind farms in the North of Germany to Bavaria in the South.
One of the presentations gave a striking insight on positive and negative impacts of underground/overhead cables.

As a practical example of what can be done in the easements within forest corridors, the LIFE Elia emphasized on its multi-partners approach, a master piece for success.
Proposing actions inspired from those implemented the LIFE Elia should contribute to a better environmental acceptance of the new line proposal...and therefore limit the impact on biodiversity, and on some spots even enhance it !