TenneT visiting the LIFE ELIA project in Belgium
On July 23rd we had our first international visitors, coming from the Netherlands and Germany : staffs from TenneT (TSO). On our invitation, they came in Belgium to exchange experiences on vegetation management and to see our achievements on the field around Nassogne (Luxembourg Province, Belgium). Four representatives from Elia and one from RTE (French TSO) also attended the meeting.
Presentation of LIFE ELIA and TenneT
The LIFE ELIA team presented the 5 years project co-funded by the European Commission. When the toolbox of 7 actions was presented, discussions started and were enriched by the experience of our Netherlands and German neighbours. From vegetation management under the lines to corporate social responsibility and public acceptance, various subjects were raised and the meeting ended up being very instructive for both parts.
TenneT presented its actions carried out to enhance biodiversity on the electrical lines, but also around substations. Furthermore, TenneT has an ongoing project SuedLink, a new line of around 800 km linking North Sea windfarms to Bavarian region. A big challenge for which the LIFE ELIA can maybe inspire some actions linked with biodiversity on early stages.
These exchanges will probably evolve in a valuable partnership.

Outdoor visit to discover edges, orchards, pasturage and ponds
We dedicated the afternoon to a field trip around the meeting place. At 3 different stops, the LIFE ELIA team showed and explained the work achieved on site. It was a good opportunity to see planted edges and orchards, ponds, fences for pasturage of cows and natural habitat restoration.

Participants' satisfaction underlines once again the importance of sharing information and experiences. And discussions showed the potential of biodiversity issues, and how it can be integrated in TSO's core changing mentality slowly but surely.