Trainings for Belgian TSO ELIA
Training modules, delivered over 7 days, were attended by 27 members of staff Elia. This module provides various way to explore multi actors context in rural areas (farmers , hunters,...). They can all find an interest in reclaiming the corridor management ensuring power lines safety.
The LIFE ELIA project
LIFE Elia project proposes to implement an alternative management for the safety of power lines along forest corridors. To this purpose, various implementations and restoration are implemented across the Walloon Region. Among these are: digging of pools, plantation of wild apple and pear orchards, establishment of grazing or mowing infrastructure, plantation of edges, and finally all actions favorable biodiversity. For these actions must meet expectations and needs of different stakeholders (Elia, landowners, managers, environmentalists, hunters...).
Collaboration with ELIA staff
However, implementation of such alternative facilities can not be achieved without the full collaboration and awareness Elia technical staff, landowners and site managers.
In this context, various training modules were held for Elia staff monitoring powerlines.
Traning contents
Training contents included : ecological habitats and species present in the lines, the concept of biodiversity, ecological network and the role of corridors setting security in the dispersal of species (butterflies, dragonflies, ... ), the key species and habitats (bogs, moors...) encountered under overhead lines and partnerships with actors of rurality. Legislation and regulatory measures that may have an impact on the management of power lines were also tackled during the training. Specific issues such as Natura 2000 network, nature conservatino law, protection of species and habitats), were treated.
Another chapter concerned management techniques implemented under the power lines. Different management corridors were presented such as traditional management (mowing, grazing) or modern (rotary milling), given the environement encountered (bog, moor...), environmental conditions (soil bearing capacity, slope... ) and economic factors.
A multi actors context
This module provides various way to explore multi actors context in rural areas (farmers , hunters,...). They can all find an interest in reclaiming the corridor management ensuring power lines safety.
27 staff members
Currently, training modules, delivered over 7 days, were attended by 27 members of staff Elia. According to the subject, these days took place either indoors or on the field. Trainings will be completed later by site visits where works have been undertaken in the framework of the LIFE project Elia. This will be an opportunity to present concrete examples of actions that will be the future management agreement.

French perspectives
End of 2013, the LIFE ELIA team will also participate to several workshops organized in France by RTE (French TSO) and designed for the management of nature in and around high voltage infrastructure.